A character generator for the queer+trans breakup processing game This Party Sucks!

Use this generator to make anxious, conflicted, queer and trans twentysomethings for use as protagonists (or exes, or side characters) in a session of This Party Sucks, or use your generator results as character design inspiration for your art or gameplay in another system. To suggest further character traits to be added to future updates to this generator, fill out some or all of this survey.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Made withTwine
Tagscharacter-generator, Queer, randomizer, this-party-sucks, Transgender


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(3 edits) (-1)

Adding this to my Collection! Literally just got here and I already love it, the first character that appeared is a really good idea for a specific type of oc I've been looking to draw/create! It doesn't have a "generate another" option so imma just reload the page to get more, and well I don't really expect any updates since this was made 3 (almost 4) years ago. Recommend it if you're looking for something simple c: